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I have never liked the word normal being used to describe any living being / someone’s personality, appearance, sexuality, or saying that someone who may have a disability is not normal. I agree with Maya Angelou that trying to live up to a so called criteria of normal can really stifle and hinder someone’s true personality and deprive them and others of really seeing how amazing and wonderful they are. Using the word ‘normal’ in contexts relating to someone’s personality, appearance, sexuality, or labelling someone who is different as not normal, can really damage someone’s self worth, and also cause segregation & prejudice. When I shaved half my head years ago I had a few people tell me that I didn’t look normal?? Why does normal have to have a full head of hair? Who decided that? What made their standard of normal normal or correct? When someone says people with disabilities are not normal? I say, why? because they are differently enabled to you? When people said to me they were against same sex marriage because it’s not normal, and I’m not normal for voting yes, believing in marriage equality. Here’s a Newsflash to you all I’m bisexual, so I’m pretty sure that won’t fit in your standard of normal either!! Why does the fact that people who love one another & want to spend their lives together scare someone else so much because they are the same gender? I mean How is someone being opposed to people loving each other ‘normal’? Personality is broad and varied there is not & shouldn’t be a normal, trying to create a normal that kids and adults strive to live up too only causes kids to develop self esteem issues and feel unworthy or not good enough because they are different to others. ITS OK TO BE DIFFERENT!!!

In fact it’s better to have the courage to be different then to not be your true authentic amazing self!!

My Mum has always told me "Be Your Amazing Self." And as Maya Angelou said “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”

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